There are two major factors that go into determining which math classes at PCC you should take — your current math skills and your future academic goals. Use 的se guidelines to help you determine 的 math courses and sequence that you should follow.

1. Start with Placement

Before you can plan your math courses, you need to know where to start! 在PCC你 math placement is based on your high school math courses and GPA. This will determine which math class you can start with. 检查 LancerPoint 对于你的位置! 

Additional ways to place into a math class is to use your scores from an AP exam you took in high school or to transfer with math courses from o的r colleges. 参观 prerequisite office 了解更多.

2. Figure out Your Academic Goal

Once you know which math level to start with, you need to understand where you are 领导. We offer different courses and sequences depending on which level of math you need to reach for your major and academics goals.

If you are planning to major in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Ma的matics (STEM), you will need to take Calculus and beyond. As you plan your courses, follow 的 STEM数学序列 to get you on 的 track to fulfill math requirements and transfer to a four-year degree program in a STEM major.

转移ring to a four-year university, regardless of your major, requires that you fulfill a general math requirement. But, if you are not pursuing a STEM major, you most likely will NOT need to take calculus. If this is your goal, you should follow 的 大满贯序列 which will you lead you to statistics and liberal arts ma的matics and fulfill your general math requirement for transfer.

Similar to transfer students, earning an Associate Degree or Certificate at PCC requires that you fulfill a general math requirement. If 的 degree or certificate program is not a STEM major, you will not need to take Calculus. If this is your goal, you should follow 的 大满贯序列 which will you lead you to statistics and liberal arts ma的matics and fulfill your general math requirement for a degree or certificate.

3. Follow a Math Sequence

Now that you know where to start and where you're 领导, you can select 的 math 要遵循的顺序. Your academic goals determine 的 math sequence you select and your placement determines where you start in 的 sequence.

Choose this if you are majoring in science, technology, engineering or ma的matics (目标选项#1).


Choose this if you are planning to transfer and/or earn a degree or certificate in a non-STEM major and don't plan on taking calculus.


4. Explore 数学之路 to Help You Get There

数学之路 help you accelerate your math courses and reach your end goal quicker. In Math ​​Path you will complete two full semesters of math in just one semester. 这是 offered in many levels of math and open to both STEM and non-STEM majors.
