
An out-of-status student has had their immigration record - Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS) - terminated for failure to follow the rules related to 你的学生签证. 没有身份的学生不能留在美国.S. 直到他们重新获得 的法律地位. A student hold has been placed on 你的 record to prevent 你的 ability to register/enroll for PCC classes until you resolve 你的 的法律地位. 

If falling out status was beyond 你的 control and you wish to remain in the U.S. to 重新获得你的法律地位,审查 恢复的请愿书 and its instructions and submit it in person or via email immediately to ISC. 附加 解释你的情况的支持文件.

If you wish to regain 的法律地位 by traveling and then re-entering the U.S. 在一个 新的I-20,请提交 新的I-20申请 到国际学生中心. 记得附上最新的银行对账单/信件 和一个 保证人声明表格. ISC顾问将审核您的请求


提交你的 恢复的请愿书, a committee will review 你的 request, along with 你的 supporting documents and 你的 PCC学习成绩. A member of the committee may reach out to you via 你的 PCC email 如有其他问题. 请经常检查你的PCC邮件. 回顾将会是 五(5)个工作日内完成. 

您将通过PCC的电子邮件收到通知. 指导老师会向你解释接下来的步骤 to regain 的法律地位, and provide you with supporting documents from PCC, to submit 到美国移民局完成你的申请.

You must follow the instructions and timelines stated by the 顾问. 这个决定 to reinstate 你的 F-1 student status is ultimately up to the 美国入籍与移民服务局.

您将通过PCC的电子邮件收到通知. 被拒绝复职的学生 Assistance from PCC will have to depart the United States immediately, or transfer to another school that will assist with reinstatement. 没有额外的上诉 在复职援助被拒绝后.


International students who have fallen out of status due to a violation that is beyond 他们的控制权可以申请
a reinstatement of their F-1 student status through the U.S. 公民身份与移民 服务(美国入籍与移民服务局)如果
PCC’s International 学生中心 supports the reinstatement.


  • Student must demonstrate that the failure to maintain status resulted from circumstances 超出了
    学生的控制. Such circumstances might include serious injury or illness, natural 灾难,还是关闭
  • Student does not have a record of repeated violations
  • 学生没有从事未经授权的工作
  • Have been out of status for less than five (5) month
  •  Must be registered full-time (12 units) at PCC for the next regular term (Fall or 春天)
  • 能够留在美国.S. while the application is pending with 美国入籍与移民服务局 (approximately 4至6个月)
  • Student must have received a reinstatement support from PCC’s International Student 中心(ISC)


Book an appointment with the International 学生中心 (ISC) 顾问

Apply for reinstatement support from the ISC committee by submitting the 恢复的请愿书

If the petition for reinstatement support is approved by the ISC committee, you will receive reinstatement documents from ISC and follow steps 4 to 6. 如果你复职 petition is denied by the ISC committee, follow the instructions in the email. 在那里 是否没有额外的上诉. 

Complete and submit the following documents by the deadline indicated on 你的 email

  • 形式g - 1145 E-Notificaion of Application/Petiti在一个cceptance (typed, not handwritten) http://www.美国入籍与移民服务局.gov /网站/违约/文件/文档/形式/ g - 1145.pdf
  • 原件,在I-539/I-539A上签字 申请延长/更改非移民身份 http://www.美国入籍与移民Services局.gov/i-539
    • Download the most recent version of the form and instructions from the 美国入籍与移民服务局 link 以防止否认. Always confirm the below information matches the instructions 所提供的
    • 请把表格打出来,不要手写
    • Signature: Use black ink to sign name in the signature box. 确保签名保留 在盒子里
    • 表格i - 539 a 必须只在学生有受抚养人的情况下填写。 
    • 复职I-20复印件. 复职I-20将由ISC提供 顾问
    • Application Fee $455 Payment — Covers $370 Application Fee + $85 Biometrics Fee*
      ∗Total may differ if dependents are included in reinstatement. 每人额外85美元 Dependent是必需的.
      选择 二选一 付款方式:
      • 对你.S. 信用卡付款:表格G-1450 (http://www.美国入籍与移民服务局.gov / g - 1450) -OR
      • 为检查 (个人、银行本票或汇票).S. 银行,付款人 U.S. 国土安全部:
        • 不要在支票背面写字或签名 
        • Check must have an imprinted name on upper left corner and imprinted address
        • In the memo section (front, bottom left corner), write date of birth (month/day/year)
        • If check is a cashier’s check, money order, or from another account holder, be sure
    • SEVIS I-901费用支付收据. 下载收据 http://fmjfee.com/
      • Students who have been out of status for less than five months do NOT need to pay the fee again but must submit a photocopy of the payment receipt or request a reprint 在线
    • 财务文件 
    • Letter of Explanation that you used for 你的 恢复的请愿书 with the International 学生中心
    • Additional supporting documents (evidence), if applicable
    • Designated School Official (DSO) letter of support for reinstatement application. 这是由ISC顾问提供的
    • 所有以前签发的i -20的复印件
      • 复印之前在所有的表格上签名 
    • Official transcripts from all schools attended in the U.S. 不要打开 信封(s)
    • 护照简历页复印件
    • 护照上的F-1签证盖章复印件
    • 打印出最新的电子产品 表格i - 94 http://i94.cbp.国土Safety部.gov/I94/#/home
    • Copy of all change of status records prior to current F-1 status, 和一个ny extension 逗留通知书

将申请包邮寄给美国移民局 一周内 收到ISC的I-20复职表 

For USPS (including US Postal Service Express mail):
经办人:i - 539
2501 S. 121国道业务

After Mailing Your 恢复 Application to 美国入籍与移民服务局

  • You will receive a receipt notice from 美国入籍与移民服务局 with a case number assigned. 提交一个 收据副本
    通知须亲自或电邮至 iso@nangong1.com
  • You may check the status of the application through the 美国入籍与移民服务局网站
  • Continue to enroll full-time and maintain F-1 status
  • Do not work on or off campus while 你的 reinstatement application is in process
  • 不要在美国境外旅行.S. 如果你在美国境外旅行.S.,你将被抛弃 你的
  • If you receive a letter from 美国入籍与移民服务局 titled “Request for Evidence (RFE)”, bring or email 给ISC的信
    immediately and provide the requested documents listed in the RFE. 通常你是 被要求
    submit additional evidence and you will have only 30 days to respond to the request. 如果你没有
  • If the application is approved, 美国入籍与移民服务局 will send you a reinstatement approval notice 通过I-797表格.
    提交一个 copy of the approval 通知须亲自或电邮至 iso@nangong1.com

请注意 Be sure to make a photocopy of 你的 application materials for the ISC and for 你的self 之前的邮件.